What is vmjuggler

vmjuggler provides the simple high level API to VMWare’s SDK.

It built around pyvmomi library with aim to simplify interaction to VMWare VCenter and it’s managed objects for DevOps crowd and those who don’t want to plunge deeply to object’s relations. At the same time ability to perform actions on low level was preserved.


pip install vmjuggler

Manual installation

Getting started

from vmjuggler import VCenter

# Create instance of VCenter and connect to VCenter
vc = VCenter('', 'user', 'super_secret_password')

# Find VM and print out it's power state
vm = vc.get_vm(name='My_Linux_VM')
if vm:
    print(f'{vm.name} | {vm.state}')

# Close connection to VCenter


To use nice Python F-string feature with Python < 3.5 the future-fstrings package should be installed and the following line should be the first line in file after shebang.

# -*- coding: future_fstrings -*-